Five artists come together in Sleight of Hand, at Ramp Gallery. Exploring magical moments of collision during the act of making art, the exchange between materials, ideas and intuition are played out by each artist. Sculptures of porcelain, bronze and clay talk to fabric-based text works and the artefacts of past performances; suggesting an alternative way of experiencing and looking at the world around us.
Within Jen Bowmast’s art practice, encounters with clairvoyants are catalysts for intuitive making with bronze, ceramics and craft materials. These artefacts become transitional objects between one place and another reflecting the moment of exchange between artist and reader during esoteric meetings. Displaying the collection Artefacts of the Future in this exhibition also draws Jen’s desires for exchange into the open, with the installation of these works happening in dialogue with other artists from this show. This exhibition is also the site of secondary exchange, between reader and audience, with the performance work The Offering. A shared moment witnessed and facilitated by the object; the act of reciprocity in making and encountering work is played out.
Excerpt from Sleight of Hand Catalogue by RAMP Gallery curator, Wendy Richdale.